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HCPC standards for social media use

In this lesson, we will explore the HCPC standards for social media use by healthcare professionals. The Healthcare Professions Council (HCPC) provides guidance and regulations to ensure that professionals maintain high standards of conduct, performance, and ethics when using social media platforms. It is essential for healthcare professionals to be aware of these standards to protect patient confidentiality, maintain professionalism, and uphold the reputation of the profession.

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The session covers the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) guidance on social media use for healthcare professionals. The HCPC regulates 15 healthcare professions, setting standards that all registrants must follow, including those in training. The guidance, updated in 2024, emphasizes responsible social media use, accurate information sharing, maintaining confidentiality, and upholding professional boundaries. It also stresses avoiding misinformation, safeguarding patient data, and ensuring that personal views don’t negatively impact service access. Professionals are encouraged to use separate accounts for personal and professional interactions and seek advice from employers and professional bodies when needed.
